Possessive Adjectives – After much deliberation, it has been determined that since these are also technically pronouns (my, your, their), they should be listed under pronouns. Put more simply, in the words of our beloved in-house grammar expert, “A horse is a horse of course of course.”
In OE, adjectives follow suit of nouns. Those patterns are pretty recognizable. On the other hand, as in NE, OE contains some specialized forms of possessive adjectives, – yes, they’re pronouns, by definition … and yes, they’re adjectives, in function – demonstratives, and definite articles. We’ve devoted a page to each of the three.
For each of the three, the case system applies, and singular and plural forms exist, so that one can easily match the gender, case, and number of an adjective to its intended object. As with nouns, the case system will be supremely useful in translating adjectives. In fact, since word order, although somewhat conventional in given time periods, does not affect function, the “endings” should be your primary means of constructing a workable NE sentence from the OE text.