- The most common relative pronoun is the relative particle “þe” (translated: who, which or that)
- The most Common demonstrative pronouns are “se, þæt, seo” (translated: the, that, those)
Relative pronouns are used for:
- all genders and numbers
- demonstrative pronouns can be used as a relative pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun chart
Sg. Pl.
Masc. Neut. Fem. All Genders
Nom. se þæt seo þa
Acc. þone þæt þa þa
Gen. þæs þæs þære þara, þæra
Dat. þæm, þam þæm, þam þære þæm, þam
Instr. þy, þi, þon þy, þi, þon